Posts Tagged ‘B vitamins’

Dr. Bud, lately every little thing bothers me! What will help with anxiety?

A. The best place to start is with a rigid regimen of phosphorylated B vitamins.

Recommended Support:

Go to Capture Your Health immediately and start replenishing your body with Bio-3B-G.

Bio-3B-G is a multiple B vitamin complex supplying the phosphorylated form of vitamins B1, B2, and B6 (with an emphasis on B1), combined with SOD and catalase, particularly helpful with anxiety, congestive heart failure, and low blood pressure.

Coffee, alcohol, tobacco, sugar, raw oysters, estrogen- replacement- therapy, and birth control pills interfere with B vitamins and may cause a greater need for them. (Do not take this product with high blood pressure).

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We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. We welcome your communication.